As a Peacehaven Players Patron you will:
Be mentioned in the show programme and be sent a code for a free standard ticket for every show.
Plus, you will know that you are helping Peacehaven Players to provide the best in local musical theatre.
The cost is just £30 per year.
For more details and for a Patron's form contact Tony on 07428 122161 or use the email
If you run a business, consider advertising your products or services in our show programmes.
Our programmes are professionally printed on quality glossy paper.
Prices start at £5 for a single line entry
Ads from a quarter page to a whole page are available, in colour or black and white.
For a price list and copy dates please contact us by
using the email
or phoning Georgie on 07730684558.
For just £5 a year Supporters get their name in the prorgamme for both shows.
For more information and for a Supporters form phone Tony on 07428 122161or use the email
Membership of The Players cost £25 a year (£12.50 if you join after Christmas).
There are reduced rates for students.
If you are in a show, there is also a Performance Fee to pay.
This varies according to the show but usually works out atthe equivalent of £5 per week during rehearsals.
All full and student members can take part in decision making and can attend the AGM.
We also have members who do not act.
They are also invited to our social events and roped in to help with fund raising and Front of House.
It's one way to fully belong n without going on stage.